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Map | Energy Map of Trinidad and Tobago Book | Outlook 2024 Map | Oil and Gas Map of the Eastern Mediterranean, 2nd edition
A comprehensive overview of oil and gas infrastructure in the country with special emphasis on future deepwater developments. Your strategic briefing to energy in 2024. Gain crucial insight on the sector from leading opinion-makers. This map provides in-depth detail illustrating the current and future status of the oil & gas industry in the Eastern Mediterranean area
Map | Oil and Gas Map of the Middle East, 2019 edition Map | Energy Map of Mexico Map | Energy Map of the Caribbean, 2018 edition
This map provides in-depth detail illustrating the current and future status of the oil & gas industry in the Middle East area An essential resource on Mexico's energy industry; depicting key infrastructures for oil, gas, power and LNG whether existing, planned or under construction. Offers a detailed insight into the oil, gas and electricity sectors. As well as illustrating the infrastructure the map also highlights the Caribbean shift towards a renewable energy target.