Petroleum Economist's all time best-selling map, now in its 19th edition.
Energy Map of the World also includes, for the first time, production and consumption forecasts by country, fuel type and region to 2035. This map also classifies and distinguishes each country and its reserves, production and consumption figures for easy reference.
Mapping content:
- Major oilfields and gasfields
- Major oil and gas pipelines
- LNG import terminals (existing, under construction and planned & proposed)
- LNG export plants (existing, under construction and planned & proposed)
- Major tanker terminals
- Major oil refineries
- Information boxes for each country showing oil & natural gas, proved reserves, production and consumption; also LNG liquefaction and regasification capacity where applicable (2035 oil and natural gas production is shown where known)
Tables and graphics:
- Proved oil and natural gas reserves (2013)
- Oil and natural gas production (2013)
- Oil and natural gas consumption (2013)
- World energy consumption outlook (1990-2035)
- World energy production outlook (1990-2035)
- Primary oil and gas demand (2015-2040)
- Oil and natural gas production (2015-2040)
- Cumulative investment in oil and gas supply infrastructure by region
- Oil refinery capacity
- LNG Regasification capacity
- LNG Liquefaction capacity