Comprehensive data, charts and illustrations are used within the map to give authoritative analysis of trends in the region's energy infrastructure.
- Size: 891mm x 1,260mm
- Style: Portrait
- Scale: 1, 1,400,000
- ISBN: 1 86186 297 0
- PECode: MPEM245
- Published: January 2008
Notes: Petroleum Economist PDFs may not be printed or saved. However Petroleum Economist does allow screen shots to be used for internal presentation purposes only. Full instructions are available on the PDFs.
 Petroleum Economist Cartographic has provided mapping to the energy industry on a world, regional and country basis covering the many different and complex energy related industries. Petroleum Economist uses the latest software and imagery to create stunning maps, the use of comprehensive data, charts and illustrations within the map deliver authoritative analysis of global and regional trends in the energy industry.
Since 1990, Petroleum Economist has distributed more than 1 million maps to oil companies, utilities, government agencies and academic institutions
Table of Contents
Mapping content:
- Onshore and offshore pipelines (crude, gas, condensate, oil products, oxygen/gas products, ethylene and government/OPA), including existing, under construction and planned or proposed
- Gas processing facilities
- Underground gas storage
- LNG import terminals
- LNG storage and
- Gas compressor stations
- Crude oil import/export terminals,
- Independent oil storage terminals,
- Oil refineries,
- Coal, oil, nuclear, hydro, and CCGT power stations and
- Chemical works
Data and Tables:
- Major pipelines, with detail on route, length, diameter, product, operator and commission date
Inset Maps:
- Grangemouth,
- Humberside,
- Stanlow,
- St Fergus,
- Teesside and
- Atlantic Margin
